We take pride in the way we present ourselves at Highweek Community Primary School, and all pupils are expected to comply with our uniform requirements. Please let us know if you have any difficulties providing appropriate uniform as we are more than willing to help out.
Uniform requirements are as follows:
Purple jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan / fleece.
Grey trousers / shorts / pinafore / skirt.
White polo shirt / white shirt / white blouse.
Purple gingham dress.
P.E. Kit – Purple T-shirt, black shorts and PE Bag.
Winter and sun hats and book bags.
We put a high priority on children getting plenty of exercise so are happy with children wearing black trainers instead of shoes. It is important for health and safety reasons that children have a change of clothing for PE and Games.
PE kit can be kept in school in a named bag hung on their peg. In KS1 Children often just take off their shoes and socks to take part in PE.
All pupils should have a suitable waterproof outdoor coat for playtimes and outdoor learning.
To purchase uniform please follow this link:
When ordering uniform you will have the option to have your uniform:
· Delivered to school (this is once a month and not in school holidays)
· Selected address – Royal Mail £4.50
· Selected address – DPD £7.80
Returns – The school will not be dealing with returns, these are dealt directly with the uniform supplier.