Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage

Miss Laura Roel
Miss Freya Budd

Miss Alex Davies

Mrs Jacky Dawes
Ms Vicky Cotterell

Miss Lisa Rogers
Miss Alice Rennison
Miss Vicky Jones

Mrs Paula Ellison

Miss Zara Stephens
The Early Years is an incredible time when children first start school, they build friendships, explore new experiences, develop their independence and thrive in a learning environment that encourages their curiosity, deepens their understanding and enables them to explore their ideas and discover more. We create a warm, welcoming and nurturing environment to ensure children feel happy, safe and valued here at school. This is a huge transition time for children and we prioritise supporting both children and parents into this journey into school.
We have language and Reading at the heart of our curriculum and support children’s learning and development through over-arching half termly topics however allow children’s interests to guide the learning. We ensure we provide the highest quality provision and interactions to guide and support children’s learning enabling them to access all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as well as meet individual next steps. Please take a look at our half termly overviews.
Curriculum Learning Plans
Tiny Taws - Aged 2 pupils
Tiny Taws Autumn 1 Learning Overview
Mini Moles - Ages 3 & 4 pupils
Mini Moles Autumn 2 Learning Overview.
Mini Moles Summer 1 Learning Overview.
Mini Moles Summer 2 Learning Overview.
Mini Moles Spring 1 Learning Overview.
Mini Moles Spring 2 Learning Overview.
Mole - Reception pupils
Mole Autumn Term 2 Learning Overview.
Mole Autumn Term 1 Learning Overview.
Mole Summer 2 Learning Overview.
Mole Summer 1 Learning Overview.
Mole Spring Term 2 Learning Overview.
Mole Spring Term 1 Learning Overview.
See the Scheme we use for delivering Phonics learning
See the scheme we use for delivering Maths learning
We are passionate about developing the whole child and creating independent learners we do this through our Achieveasours, These are linked to the Characteristics of Effective Learning. Please follow the link to find out more.
​Find out more about ‘Achievosaurs’
Parents as Partners
We strive for parent/carer partnership, after all you are the expert in your child, to offer them the best possible outcomes. A key tool that we us here at Highweek EYFS to enable this is an electronic journal called Tapestry. This platform offers in-the-moment documentation on your child’s learning journey and progress throughout each term. Tapestry is a two-way tool which allows you as a family to contribute to your child’s learning journey also, helping to build a beautiful all-round picture of their EYFS journey here at Highweek.
At the delicate age of 2 years old, the concept of the world can seem a little daunting as it gets bigger. At Highweek, we understand how imperative it is to ensure a positive transition to a new setting and we offer a tailored integration based around what is best for the child. For some children, this will be the minimum of a stay and-play-session lasting up to an hour and then into a full session to a well-planned and slower introduction to enjoying a positive experience within the Nursery and building up to a full session. A secure and positive experience for the child is the key.
Children’s Book Bags​
Book bags should be sent to school every day of the week. Please can you check and empty your child’s book bag each evening as letters are easily lost amongst paintings and pictures.
All Weather Clothing
We spend a lot of time everyday learning outside. During colder weather it is really important that all children have a pair of wellies, a waterproof/warm coat and jumper at school. It is imperative that your child has appropriate footwear i.e. velcro trainers and that everything is named.
Change of Clothing
Please bring a bag containing a change of clothing for your child to each session. Children can get wet/muddy very easily and it is helpful to have clean clothes should little accidents happen. We would be grateful to receive any donations of spare clothing/ underwear for 2-5 year olds. Parents are also reminded to try to have children potty trained as soon as possible.
We are grateful for any help you can provide, for example, accompanying us on trips or reading with children. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have some spare time on your hands.
To register interest in a Nursery place please call 01626 216300 or visit the main school office.