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This section of the website includes all the information for parents on the everyday things you want to know about school, which are not the curriculum or lessons. Copies of recent newsletters sent home for parents and carers can be found on the Letters to Parents page.


At School


Useful Information about the time your child is in our care.


The School Day

The school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.30pm.


The playground is not open to parents or children before 8.40am.  Children are not supervised outside of these hours. If, however, exceptional circumstances arise when you require your child to arrive early or to be collected late, please contact the school office with as much notice as possible.


After-School Club operate a Breakfast Club (7.50am to 8.50am) and After-School Club (after school to 6pm) in the school Dining Hall for Highweek pupils. Children must be registered before they can attend sessions, and payment is based per session attended. Details are available from the school office or visit the Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club page.


Class Assemblies are generally held on Wednesday afternoons starting at 3.10pm.  The list of assemblies are detailed in our regular newsletters, and parents and carers of children will be informed by the class teacher and / or reminders by Schoolcomms of when their child’s class assembly will be held each term.



Mid-Morning Snack


The school takes part in the Governments Fruit and Vegetable Scheme and all children in the Foundation Stage and Nursery are offered fruit/vegetables daily.​


During hot weather all the children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water for consumption throughout the day and during P.E.



Lunchtime Arrangements


The children are supervised by Meal Time Assistants. There is also a senior midday supervisor on duty daily and either the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher is on call each lunchtime.


A choice of nutritous and healthy meals are available and the menus are distributed to each child at the start of each School term. A current menu is displayed in the school reception entrance area and can be downloaded from the School Meals page.


Parents are encouraged to discuss the day’s menu with their child and, with the very young children, to send in a daily note indicating their choices.


Packed lunches can also be brought and should be in a container marked with your child’s name and class. Healthy options could include for example, pieces of fruit and yoghurt.


If you are in receipt of family credit or income support, it is possible your child is entitled to free School meals. Forms for this are available on request from the School office or visit the Free School Meals page for further information.



Travel to School

Our school is situated in the middle of a residential area on a small road and the area can easily become very congested which is a danger to everyone. All families are asked to walk to school if at all possible, and only drive to school if absolutely necessary.


Parking – please abide by the following for the safety of everyone connected with our school and our neighbours.

Cars must not be parked:


  • Where any residents’ access might be obstructed

  • On corners or junctions that affect visibility for pedestrians or drivers

  • On grass verges or pavements

  • Directly opposite other parked cars as this could prevent access for emergency vehicles.


Please do consider parking further away from school and walking the remaining distance. This has benefits for the safety of us all around the immediate school area and also the health of the children.


Thank you to all who show consideration for the safety and well-being of everyone at our school and in the local community.



Children should be discouraged from bringing valuables into School. No necklaces or rings should be worn. Earrings should be studs only. These must be removed for PE, games and swimming lessons. Money should be kept in a purse and the purse kept with your child at all times. No responsibility is taken by the School or local education authority for any item lost.



Medicines in School

All pupil medicine kept in school needs to have medical forms completed at the school office for prescribed or non-prescribed medicine.  The forms are needed for staff permission to administer the dosage throughout the day.


If your child has an asthma pump, we need to keep a pump in school with appropriate paperwork and an asthma plan​.  Please see the school office for relevant paperwork to complete.



Accidents and Emergencies

If your child is taken ill at School or has an accident, it may be necessary to contact you urgently. Please make sure you keep the School informed of any change of address, telephone number, place of work, hours of work and mobile / work telephone number. New parents will be asked to fill in a form that asks for this information. If you or your emergency contact cannot be reached immediately and your child requires hospitalisation a member of staff will accompany your child to the local hospital and will wait there with your child until one of you arrives.



Devon County Council Public Health Nursing 

DCC Public Health Nursing has launched two new websites to provide school age children and their parents/carers with health and wellbeing advice. The websites, developed with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, include evidenced based national content which has been co-designed with parents, carers, children and young people as well as locally written content and information about Devon services.


  • Health for Kids provides information for primary school aged children and includes games, videos and quizzes. The site consists of four different worlds: Staying Healthy, Illness, Feelings and Getting Help. Each world is populated with different areas for children to learn about their health.


There is a separate area for grown-ups for in-depth guidance and localised information (  


  • Health for Teens provides information and advice for young people, including videos, listicles, quizzes, health information, truths and rumours. There are several different sections ranging from feelings, health, lifestyle, relationships and growing up. There is also a ‘your area’ section which includes information on Devon services and advice from local practitioners ( These services pull through below any related content a young person accesses to facilitate improved awareness and access.


The websites follow the launch of Devon’s Health for Under 5s site which went live in May 2022.

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