What does Computing look like at Highweek?
Our Computing Curriculum
At Highweek, we aim to provide our pupils with skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology and the opportunities that it brings, and apply this in a responsible and safe way. We use the Kapow Primary Computing scheme of work which enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets outlined in the National Curriculum. Through the Kapow scheme of work, we teach our pupils to develop confidence when meeting new software through ‘tinkering’ which begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This important skill allows our pupils to develop an understanding of new software and programs through self-led investigation and experimentation, and prepares them for the continually evolving world of technology. Throughout our curriculum, pupils encounter the three key areas of computing outlined in the National Curriculum – computer science, information technology and digital literacy. The progression of skills in each of these key areas allows pupils to build on their existing knowledge while continually developing their skills and understanding. During our computer science units, pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. The information technology strands allow pupils to develop their use of technology to create programs, systems, and a range of content. Their learning in digital literacy ensures that pupils are able to use technology to express themselves and develop their ideas safely and respectfully whilst appreciating the need to evaluate information gained from online sources. These three key areas are continually revisited throughout the academic year and are built on as they progress through Highweek.
The Kapow scheme has been designed with the three key areas outlined in the National Curriculum in mind, and units of work ensure that each of the National Curriculum attainment targets, as well as each of the strands, are covered. The progression of skills taught within each year group ensure the development of these skills so that the attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage. The three key overarching areas of computing are covered through the Kapow scheme of work, which then separates them into five smaller areas – computer systems and networks, programming, creating media, data handling and online safety. These areas are present in the planning and teaching of each year group creating a cyclical route through which pupils can develop their computing knowledge and skills by revisiting and building on previous learning. Kapow ensures a broad and balanced coverage of National Curriculum requirements. Through ‘skills showcases’, pupils are provided with the opportunity to develop and apply existing skills, and transfer these to a project. Computing lessons include a variety of teaching strategies – independent learning, paired and group work along with unplugged and digital activities to engage and appeal to a variety of learning styles. All lessons are differentiated appropriately, allowing access for all pupils with opportunities to stretch pupils learning if required. E-Safety and key vocabulary are taught throughout all units and revisited regularly.
Computing sessions at Highweek are planned into discreet weekly sessions where the key skills of computing are taught. However, the application of computing skills is encouraged throughout all curriculum areas as we not only aim for pupils to be digitally competent, but for them to develop their range of transferrable skills, ready for the future workplace. At Highweek, we have a suite of laptops which enable a whole class of pupils to have access to their own computer during computing sessions. The suite is also available at various other times during the week to enable pupils to develop and apply their computing skills through other curriculum areas. We also have a class trolley of laptops available to Years 5 and 6, allowing them access throughout the day, and a bank of chromebooks which support learning throughout the school. Each class also has access to ipads to support in the teaching of computing and to enable pupils to experience a wider variety of technology.
At the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be equipped with a range of skills to enable them to succeed as they move into their secondary education and be active participants in the ever-increasing digital world. They will be critical thinkers and able to understand how to make informed and appropriate digital choices in the future. They will understand the importance that computing will have going forward in both their educational and working life, and in their social and personal futures. They will understand how to balance time spent on technology and time spent away from it in a healthy and appropriate manner. They will understand that technology helps to showcase their ideas and creativity. They will know that different types of software and hardware can help them achieve a broad variety of artistic and practical aims. They will show a clear progression of technical skills across all areas of the National Curriculum – computer science, information technology and digital literacy. They will be able to use technology both individually and as part of a collaborative team. They will be aware of online safety issues and protocols and be able to deal with any problems in a responsible and appropriate manner. They will have an awareness of developments in technology and have an idea of how current technologies work and relate to one another. Pupils will meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Computing.
The impact of our curriculum can be monitored continuously through formative and summative assessment. Impact can also be measured through key questioning skills built into lessons, child-led assessment using the ASK model and the use of teacher feedback.
Please click here for the Computing Overview
Please click here for the Computing Progression